Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yesterday morning

So we got dressed. I got Harry in the backpack and on my back. Hooked Juno to me. We all had water. We got out the door and down the street. And then we started our walk, and less than .2 miles into the walk.... Max complained that his leg hurt. #$%^&*(($W$%^&U&***TRTYH^&%DGYUE^TUCVGJYT (that sums up my feelings)

We turned around, not happily and went home. Not such a good morning after that. I took the kids to school. Around the time that I was going to pick Maggie up from school before Max's lunch, I thought I would sneak a note into his lunch box.  I apologized for the rough morning and expressed my desire for him to have a good day.  I did not get to sneak it in because his lunchbox was in his room, darn. So I handed it to him when he was heading outside to eat after getting Maggie from her class.

He liked the note. He didn't end up having a great day but he really liked the note so much so that he asked me this morning to write him another note.

And I am hoping to add that to my repertoire of things. We have had some hard spells, Max and I, and I hope, really hope, that  maybe these letters cane help us get past the hard spell. Maybe reading nice things and suggestions will get us to a point of better communication.

1 comment:

  1. I love the notes in the lunchbox - my mom used to do that and I still remember it all these years later.
