Monday, November 24, 2008

I do believe I give up

I want to post every day truly I do but sometimes time runs out on me. I had this up since yesterday but just did not find the necessary time to put thoughts down. I got carried away with laundry and cleaning out a closet that I neglected to really clean the house and instead went ahead killed my back the end of the day.

Okay so I was writing this yesterday and still I didn't finish it. UGH what is up? I think I officially give up. I have not been able to stay on top of my blogging.

Yesterday Max's school had their Thanksgiving feast. I had Maggie go to Shelby's house so that I could attend and spend some time with Max. It was nice. I got to meet Max's best friend's parents. Max has been invited to go to his birthday hike at Red Rock about a week before his own birthday. They are a year apart in age but you can tell these kids care about each other. Max makes sure we pack no peanuts in his lunch so he can sit with his friend. And his friend upon seeing him everyday picks him up in a bear hug. His parents worried about him picking Max up so I asked Max if it was okay. Max assured us that it was just fine. This is his first real best friend. I think the concept of friends took longer for him or else he just observed more until he made up his mind. Maggie has all sorts of friends and has for quite some time. Hers though is a blanket statement for the most part. She can name some friends and has been asking for a play date with one of her friends which I found to be quite great.

Okay my duty is done for the day. Got to go.

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