Monday, February 1, 2010


Nablopomo, I failed already to write everyday. I started this yesterday and well it just didn't happen. So I thought it would be interesting to try and write about ties everyday for a month.

And heck if I don't remember what exactly I was going to say yesterday. Ah well.

Max's school project this time was to write his family tree. Krismon's cousin had the same assignment except he is in highschool so his was more intricate. Max just needed to write his parents, grand parents and great grandparents. We had a pdf of the other family tree which was from Krismon's mom's side of the family. We printed that out to include and take with him to school.

My mom's cousin did a family tree as well but it is so convoluted that I had to understanding. What did crack me up was that they were able to find out that we were indeed related to kings and queens. I married a king (Ong=King) so we kept the royalty in the family.

This is my first tie

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